The Saskatchewan Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (SAMRT) is the regulatory body for Medical Radiation Technologists (MRTs) employed in Saskatchewan under the authority of The Medical Radiation Technologists Act (2006) (the Act). The SAMRT registers and issues licences to MRTs from within the province or outside the province/country who meet the entry to practice requirements as set out for the profession.
Anyone practising as an MRT in Saskatchewan must hold a current Full practice Licence or Graduate practice licence. The SAMRT protects and serves the public, patients, and our members by setting entrance to practice requirements, creating and enforcing a Continuing Competence Program (continuing education) and minimum practice hours requirements to ensure a member’s continued competence.
SAMRT also manages the formal process for the adjudication of complaints. Professional regulation is one measure to assure the public that MRTs provide safe, competent, and ethical healthcare services. We serve and protect the public interest by setting entry to practice requirements for MRTs and by enforcing a Scope and Standards of Practice and a Code of Ethics.
The College maintains an online registry of all MRTs licenced to practice. You may search the online registry by clicking on the “Search the Public Registry” button on this website.